Mittwoch, Februar 11, 2015

film mit diversen textiltechniken von 1943

ein echter schatz dieser film: weben, fingerloopen, kardieren, spinnen und nadelbinden. ich bin hin und weg!!! danke sanna-marie für den link!!!

Mittwoch, Februar 04, 2015

gedenken an filzerin mary burkett

über die amerikanische feltmakers mailing liste kam die traurige nachricht, dass mary burkett verstorben ist. es gibt einen aufruf für eine gedenkminute für sie von allen filzerinnen rund um die welt, die sie kannten oder zumindest ihr tolles buch. hier der wortlaut der email von pat:

Mary Burkett was an amazing person. She began the International 
Feltmakers Association, and was one of the early advocates for 
contemporary feltmaking. Her book "The Art of the Feltmaker" was very 
important to me when I was a new felter, trying to learn this wonderful, 
ancient craft. A memorial service is being held on February 6th, in 
Carlisle Cathedral, England at 5:30 PM. Inge Evers had this idea: It 
would be wonderful if feltmakers around the world could pause a moment 
to think wonderful thoughts of Mary at this time. (At whatever 5:30 PM 
is in their own time zone. On the Pacific Coast of North America, this 
will be 9:30 AM on the same day. It's easy to Google the time to find 
out.) In this way we can all send Mary on to her next adventure, we will 
be a circle around the earth.